Backing up the Database of your Board
Updated on Jan 6, 2016
Backing up the database of your Forum on daily or weekly basis is an action which will provide you with a backup plan for every possible issue you might experience with your application.
To backup the Database of your phpBB3 Board, you need to:
Step 1 Access the Backup Restoration page
In order to access the backup feature for the database of your Forum you will need to login into the Administration Control Panel of the Forum and navigate to Maintenance>Database>Backup.

This will redirect you to a page where you should configure the backup before you can download it.
Step 2 Configure the Backup Procedure
The options available on the page for configuration are the following:
Backup Type (The type of backup you would like to perform for the database of your forum):
- Full – Complete backup of the structure and data contained in the tables of the database
- Structure Only – Only the structure of the tables in your database
- Data Only – Only the data contained in the tables of your database
- File Type – Once the backup is generated you will be prompted to download it and this option will allow you to choose either if the file should be compressed or you would like to receive it as plain text
- Action – Either if you would like to have the backup stored on your hosting account where your forum is installed and accessible at or if you would like to download it. Werecommend for the backup to be downloaded locally in order to avoid its loss in case of emergency related to file loss on your Forum
- Table Select – Select the tables you would like to be included in the backup. Usually here you should simply click on Select all so you can have the entire database backed up, however if you prefer to have a backup for concrete tables and not for all of them you should simply select the tables you will need to backup
Once you have configured all of these settings it is time for the backup to be initiated. This can be achieved with the Submit button located at the bottom of the page.

Then you will be prompted with the file in which the database is backed up for download and if you accept the download and allow few minutes you will have the backed downloaded on your local computer.
That is all you need to do in order to backup the database of your Forum!