Speed is a significant component when it comes to website optimization. Fast websites with modern web design generally do a lot better when it comes to visitors, and they can also contribute to boosting an online or a physical business.…
When you search for “core web vitals” on Google Trends, you will find out that the term wasn’t around before Spring 2021. Interest suddenly skyrocketed, and people are still looking for more helpful information about Core Web Vitals to this day.…
For your site to rank on top positions on searches, Google needs to understand the content. In multilingual sites, Google also needs to understand what’s translated and which audience each language serves.…
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a catch-all term for the steps you can take in improving your website’s rankings on search engines. Most of your Internet traffic will come from searches performed on search engines like Google.…
The presence of media files (images, audio, and video) is what makes the web rich. When you add relevant and well-done videos to your WordPress site, you are certainly improving the quality of your overall content.…
We are excited to announce that we have partnered up with SE Ranking, a web-based SEO and digital marketing software solution that gives you all the tools you need to track keyword rankings on Google.…
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You probably know that optimizing images is of some importance when it comes to your WordPress site. However, are you aware of the actual impact perfectly optimized images can have on your site?…
Every November, thousands of people pile up in front of major brand stores in hopes of being the first to cash out on the best possible deals that the Black Friday rush has to offer.…
Namaste! Developers, startups, webmasters, and small business owners throughout India and the neighboring regions that have been with us since the very beginning of FastComet, have been urging us to come to India.…
It’s almost inevitable to relate Spring to natural growth and rejuvenation. Once you hear the chirping birds and see the blossoms outside, you can’t help but feel refreshed. What better time to get on with your spring cleaning than now?…
Databases are an essential piece of your website. They are essentially data table collections that hold tremendous amounts of information about your website like all the posts, comments, pages, menus, any kind of text data, plugin and theme settings, which content is associated with which page, eCommerce order details, users and user capabilities, and much more.…
When you’re first launching a website project, the sheer span of hosting options can seem overwhelming. In the beginning, if you are just starting out your adventure of having your own website, it’s often safe to figure you can rely on one of the more basic plans and then upgrade when the time comes.…