Mail Tutorial

With daily business being made mainly through emails and more than 215 billion emails sent and received per day, maintaining your email account is something which you should think about, especially if you are a blogger that doesn't want to miss his viewers' mails, e-commerce owner that wants to keep tabs on all of his sales or general user who wants to keep his active site up and running without any hiccups.

As email account quotas are not unlimited, overusing this resource will result in slowing down the hosting environment more so on a shared hosting account where one user's actions or inactions may affect the entire server. However, do not fret, as our newly released Observer Monitoring System will check your usage and notify you if there is a reason for checking your email accounts and taking the necessary measures in order to have your account in the best condition possible.

Once you receive a notification in your client area from the Observer, you will be provided a link to this tutorial section where you can look for the most common reasons for an overuse and how to deal with them. Wondering how to sort, filter, export or automatically delete emails we have it all here.

On this page...

    Mail Hosting

    • Free Domain Transfer
    • Unlimited Email Accounts
    • 24/7 Technical Support
    • Fast SSD Storage
    • Hack-free Protection
    • Free Cloudflare CDN
    • Immediate Activation
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