Updated on Dec 10, 2015
To add a login form for your Pagekit website, you will need to add the widget corresponding to the login element.
To accomplish this, you will need to first login to your admin dashboard and navigate to the Site menu.
Access the Widgets tab and you will see all of the widgets for the front-end of your website and their positions.
Click on the Add Widget button and select the Login widget.
Now you will have a few options to configure:
It is also important to make this widget visible. To do this you will need to click on the Visibility option and select the pages on which you want users to have access to the login form.
Don't forget to hit the Save button to apply the changes you made.
Now if you go to your store's front-end and logout of your admin account you will see the working login form plus a links for a new registration and password recovery.
Congratulations, now guests on your website can register an account and participate more in the community of your Pagekit website.