How to check your Bandwidth Usage

Updated on Feb 9, 2018

Viewing your bandwidth usage at any time and for previous events can greatly increase your awareness of the business environment as well as show you exactly where you need to focus your future marketing campaigns and improvement of quality. As bandwidth is a precious resource, make sure to regularly check yours in order to avoid oversaturation of your hosting account's performance.

There are two main ways via which you can check on your bandwidth, both providing different statistics which will come in handy. The first way is to do it via the dedicated cPanel section. So you will have to log in your cPanel account and search for Bandwidth in the search field or simply go to the right column of statistics and scroll down till you get to the Bandwidth field.

Accessing the Bandwidth statistics window via cPanel

Now you will be able to see a rough chart of your bandwidth usage of the http, imap, pop3, smtp and ftp services in MB/min for the last 24 hours. By reviewing the same you will be able to determine if there was a peak of the traffic at given hour as well as the overall usage of the services during this period of time. In our example the HTTP service was heavily used so all of the bandwidth will be colored blue.

Checking the Bandwidth usage for the past 24 hours

As well as one for the last 7 days.

Checking the Bandiwdth usage for the past week

And even the last year. On this chart you can detect spikes based on monthly events as well as seasons. If you are running promotions for your products during the winter hollidays for example you will most likely see a spike in the bandwidth usage for that period.

Viewing the Bandwidth Usage for the past year

Below them, you will be able to see a more detailed overview of your different bandwidth generators (domains, subdomains other mail/ftp services) on a monthly basis.

Viewing the bandiwdth usage by month for each web service and domain

In order to get the visual representation pie chart of the previous months all you have to do is click the gray circle.

Viewing bandwidth for previous months

Clicking on a already loaded pie chart will give you a day by day representation of your bandwidth usage including again the service which was used.

The other way to see your bandwidth usage is to visit the Resource Monitoring System via your client area's dashboard

Accessing the Resource Monitoring System

Here you can see your bandwidth usage along with other resource usage.

Viewing the Bandiwdth Usage ring chart

If you scroll down you will see the bandwidth usage by last 30 days, this month, last 3,6 and 12 months. If you choose one of the first two options, you will see a more detailed representation by days of your most recent bandwidth usage.

Observing the bandwidth usage per day chart

As previously mentioned this is the basic information which you can obtain regarding your bandwidth usage. For a more detailed report on your bandwidth usage, please read our other tutorial on the matter.

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