Employee Spotlight: Valentin—an Actual Customer Success Wizard
The year 2021 is halfway over, and there’s no question that the absolute best way to spend August is outside. Enjoying the summer and living the season to the fullest. Maybe even strike up an unexpected romantic relationship…
What makes August truly special for us is, however, is the fact that we celebrate our 8th birthday! You can get offers across our product range for eight days straight — yes, you read that right! Eight days of incredible deals! And before diving in, We would like to thank all of you — our loyal users — for trusting us with hosting your businesses, blogs, and eCommerce sites.
Every so often, we will recognize a Randomly chosen employee and ask them a few questions about themselves and their interest. FastComet is a dynamic team of hard-working individuals with diverse backgrounds. One of those hard-working individuals is Valentin.
Ready? Let’s jump in!
How and when did you join the team?
I joined FastComet at the end of July 2019 and started my training in August. So it has been just about 2 years already. I remember being really excited to get my first job right after I graduated university with the major “Business IT” which includes programming, website creation, and design as well as marketing. My job as a Customer Success representative is to help our clients with any questions that they might have and guide them through signing up and getting started with us. Every client has their own project which requires a different plan depending on their ideas.
What is the most challenging part of your job and what’s the favorite part of your workday?
The most challenging part of the job is definitely the communication with many different people around the world who speak many languages and have many different cultures. This diversity is great, especially for an explorer like me, but it can make things difficult sometimes. My hope is that Artificial Intelligence will soon reach the point where we can all understand each other much better and faster no matter the language or location of the person and that I would be able to explain our services better and help our customers start with their projects without any misunderstandings.
Last year was full of disruptions. What were the biggest challenges you faced?
Last year was definitely full of interruptions since this pandemic took over the whole world. I and my family went through the virus, thankfully without any complications while I was working from home. Despite the disadvantages, I think it went rather smoothly and I could quickly adapt to a new lifestyle so I am grateful for that.
But one of the biggest challenges I faced was the lack of communication with my friends, colleagues, and people in general. It impacts your mental health a lot. Even if you are an introvert like me it can be quite challenging.
What does a typical day in your life look like? How do you keep yourself productive?
I am the kind of person who likes to do certain things during his day and to occasionally spice it up here and there. However, usually, I start my day with a coffee (since I really can’t get up in the morning). Then I would do some house chores, check on social media and play some games with my friends before work starts. I usually have a lot of hobbies that are restricted right now during the pandemic, but I love photography, video and photo editing, gaming, art, and what not to kill my time and have fun with. As for what keeps me productive, it would be my overall positive attitude toward life as well as me trying to always escape a routine and finding new things to do. I am a person who should never be stuck in one place and should keep on exploring as much as I can so creating some sort of change really makes my day sometimes.
Oh, and did I mention that I really really love sweets, and surely can’t survive long without them? That doesn’t mean I am not leading a healthy lifestyle. I do exercise from time to time and have a great diet but chocolate has always been my weakness. If you ask me, that’s one of the better addictions to have instead of alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
What’s been the most exciting part of the journey so far?
My favorite thing about working with FastComet is that no workweek is the same. Sometimes when I come in I may be spending most of the day investigating new features and getting to know more about their usage. Other days I’ll be hitting the phones to speak with new users, and helping them get started with us. This makes the whole journey pretty amazing but if I have to specify one thing is the ability to learn so much about new and exciting topics related to my interests.
You said earlier that you love photography and video editing as well as gaming. Can you share your most favorite one?
In my free time, I have a lot of hobbies since I am interested in a lot of stuff. Besides the smartphone photography I do on Instagram, I also love to create and edit videos mostly connected with my love for tech and gaming. I am experimenting with that on my little YouTube channel that I started recently.

I make primarily tech reviews and gaming videos on popular titles such as Valorant, League of Legends, Genshin Impact, etc. It’s just a hobby for now but I plan on taking it a bit more seriously in the future and develop my channel by adding streams to it as well. One of my other hobbies would be drawing with the intention of trying digital drawing later on and improving on it as well.
If you could give only one piece of advice to our users, what would it be?
The best advice I can give to our users and all people really is that keeping calm is the best thing you can do for your mental health and stress management. As a relatively calm guy myself, I was able to handle many things in my daily life with ease simply because of keeping calm and collected and training my mind to do so over the years. Stress is inevitable but too much of it is never good. Just never mind the small stuff.
Final Thoughts
A big “thank you” goes to all of our users and readers. It’s a cliche but it’s the truth: we wouldn’t be here today without your support and feedback. Thank you for having helped us become what we are today. We hope we’ll be up to your expectations for another 8 years!
The team is ready for the next year of intensive work keeping your website fast and safe.
We strive to provide you with even more exciting stories about our hard-working colleagues. Hopefully, you are ready to read them all!
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