Michael Quinn and How to Easily Buy Life Insurance Online
Today, we are glad to introduce you to Michael Quinn – the owner of LifeInsuranceBlog.Net. Without further ado, let us see his experience with the web development field and the use of WordPress for his project.
The Interview with Michael Quinn
FastComet: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us more about your line of work.
Michael Quinn: Hi, my name is Michael Quinn and I’m the owner of LifeInsuranceBlog.Net. I reside in Orlando, Florida, but my website provides online life insurance solutions nationwide. I made my website for today’s consumer who wants to conveniently purchase life insurance online and over the phone.
People aren’t exactly sure how the purchasing process goes with life insurance. Purchasing life insurance isn’t like buying an iPad online. My website explains the purchasing processes. Visitors can come to my website and research, get free quotes, and purchase online. I provide support and answer questions to my visitors via phone, email, or text. Whichever is most convenient for them. We’re a one-stop boutique shop for life insurance!
FastComet: How will you convince someone to start with LifeInsuranceBlog.Net for their life insurance needs?
Michael Quinn: There are so many agents throughout the country that only offer 1 or a few life insurance companies for their clients! I’m able to shop for my clients from over 60 of the nation’s top-rated life insurance companies. This is extremely important. This guarantees that my clients will secure coverage at the lowest rates available. This is especially helpful with my “High Risk” clients.
For people with high-risk factors, I’m able to pinpoint the companies who will look at them most favorably based on their individual situation. For example, if you are a cigar smoker with high cholesterol. Not all companies will rate you the same. My job is to find those companies that will provide you the best rates based on these 2 risk factors of high cholesterol and cigar use. The type and amount of risk factors you have the more complicated your case becomes. That’s why having over 60 companies to choose from is so helpful for my clients.

FastComet: Tell us more about your first major project and how that affected your career? Are there any other projects you are currently working on? We will be glad to hear more about your future plans.
My first major project is also a current project. It was building my wife’s website ReMedigap.Com. She is also an agent that helps seniors nationwide secure Medigap insurance at the lowest rates all online and over the phone.
FastComet: How did you come up with the idea of LifeInsuranceBlog.net?
Michael Quinn: Most people aren’t looking for the traditional agent. Who wants to block out an hour or more for a stranger to come into their home and purchase life insurance? I don’t shop that way and I wasn’t interested in that business model when I became an agent.
I aligned myself with cutting edge agencies and companies in order to provide the entire purchase process online. My clients love the ability to communicate and purchase a policy via email, text and over the phone. It’s convenient for them, especially in today’s fast-paced world.
FastComet: We know that you are using our WordPress Hosting plans for your website. How easy it is to use the application and how long it took to get your website in its current state?
My site is a constant work in progress. I love tweaking and finding the latest and greatest plugins and themes.
Michael Quinn: My site is a constant work in progress. I love tweaking and finding the latest and greatest plugins and themes. I recently updated my site’s theme due to Google’s recommendation on responsive themes. That was a bit of work getting everything up and running and passing the eye test. My developer had to make some changes as well to get my online quoter formatted properly.
FastComet: Are you familiar with the Clef two-factor authentication plugin for WordPress and our partnership with them? Are you using any security plugins to protect your websites?
Michael Quinn: I am not familiar with Clef, but would love to know how it could benefit my website. Security is extremely important and I’m currently using a WordPress security plugin.
FastComet: Do you have experience with other applications? Have you attempted to use any other script, other than WordPress, for the development of your website?
Michael Quinn: I started with WordPress and haven’t tried any other applications or scripts.
FastComet: How did you hear about FastComet and the services we offer?
Michael Quinn: I started researching hosting services that would improve the speed of my website. My old host was one of the budget hosts and I couldn’t get my site to load faster no matter what I did to my site.
FastComet: What was the reason you decided to choose us as your hosting provider for your website?
Michael Quinn: I needed to improve the speed of my site, have a consistent backup, and SSL certificates. I also was looking for better support. My previous host had me waiting forever for any and all questions.
FastComet: So far, what are your thoughts about the features of your hosting account and our Technical Support team? Tell us a story, when we were able to assist you with your project.
Michael Quinn: Fastcomet has been exceptional and I couldn’t be happier. They have helped me with several issues on my sites. Just off the top of my head they’ve helped me with email, site speed, addressing issues that have popped up on analytics and webmaster tools. I’ve been very pleased with their support.
FastComet: Are you happy with the uptime and service performance?
Michael Quinn: Absolutely!
FastComet: How does it differ from your experience with your previous hosting provider?
Michael Quinn: How does it differ? Completely opposite experiences to put it mildly.
FastComet: Is there a feature in particular that you enjoy the most?
Michael Quinn: I’d have to say Support. They are timely and have helped me in almost every request that I’ve made. I love learning about my website and I try to understand how to fix problems. However, I have realized very early on that you can’t do everything yourself. Many of the items that Fastcomet have helped me with were completely foreign to me. I’m so glad that it’s elementary to them and they can take care of my issues as they arise.
A big thank you to Michael Quinn for his insight. If you would like to share the story behind your project and how FastComet made it more successful, please let us know. Your success is what matters most to us.
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