Establishing SSL connection for your Store

Updated on Mar 13, 2019

If you wish to secure the connection used by your clients to access your WP eCommerce Store, you have to purchase an SSL certificate and then configure WordPress to connect via HTTPS.


To establish HTTPS connection to your Store, you will need to complete the following steps:


Step 1 Install and Activate the SSL Plugin

To activate SSL for WordPress we will use a Plugin called WordPress HTTPS. Firstly you will have to login to your admin dashboard and navigate to Plugins>Add New.


Navigating to the Plugin Menu of your WordPress


Click on the search bar and search for WordPress HTTPS. After you found the plugin as shown in the image below select the Install Now option.


Finding and Installing the SSL plugin


Once the installation process has been completed, click on the Activate Plugin link located at the end of the installation log.


Activating the SSL Plugin


Step 2 Configure the SSL Plugin

Now you will see a new section in your main admin panel called HTTPS.


Configuring the plugin using the HTTPS Menu


Here you will be able to configure the HTTPS redirects for your WordPress/WP eCommerce:


  • SSL Host - The domain name your website uses
  • Port: The port on which the secure connection will be established (443)
  • Force SSL Administration - If you want to force your admin dashboard to also use SSL check this box
  • Force SSL Exclusively - This is for forcing the pages which are not secured by the Secure Post option to be redirected to https.
  • Remove Unsecure Elements - This will remove all elements that are not accessible over HTTPS(may break some plugins’ functionality)
  • Debug Mode -  Check this if you want to use the debug mode
  • Proxy - If you are using a proxy set this to Auto/Yes
  • Admin Menu Location - This indicates where the section HTTPS is located in your admin dashboard


Configuration Options in the SSL Plugin


When you are done configuring your website, click on the Save Changes button to save and apply the settings.


Securing the content by selecting the Secure post feature


You can now secure your content by checking the secure post box in the HTTPS drop-down menu.


You have successfully established SSL connection for your WP eCommerse Store.

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