How to find the SuiteCRM Configuration File

Updated on Mar 13, 2019

This tutorial will review the main configuration file of SuiteCRM and how to review it on your end. This file contains sensitive information and you can use it for direct edit of the core features of your website.


It is important to mention that editing the configuration file of your SuiteCRM website may corrupt it entirely. If you are not sure about the changes you are about to make, it is best to generate a backup of the file, so you can restore it to operational state if something goes wrong.


To access the file, you need to locate the SuiteCRM installation folder on your account. If you are accessing your website directly via the primary domain of your account, this indicates that SuiteCRM is installed in the public_html/ directory of your account. However, this may differ if your website is configured on subfolder or subdomain.


Once you access the location of your SuiteCRM website, you need to look for a config.php file. It contains a lot of information, such as the database details of your website, the domain used on your website and much more.


The database details are being held in the following section in the file:


  'dbconfig' =>
  array (
    'db_host_name' => 'localhost',
    'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS',
    'db_user_name' => 'suitecrm_scrm',
    'db_password' => 'p4ssw0rd',
    'db_name' => 'suitecrm_scrm',
    'db_type' => 'mysql',
    'db_port' => '',
    'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager',


You can also see the domain set on your website, the version and much more:


  'site_url' => '',
  'slow_query_time_msec' => '100',
  'sugar_version' => '6.5.20',
  'sugarbeet' => false,
  'suitecrm_version' => '7.2.1',


We also recommend that you completely review the config.php file and all of the options it contains. This is a valuable information that you may have to use later.

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